BoostKPIs solution for Growth Marketing

Unleashing the Power of Data for Growth Marketers
Ad tech solution

Unleashing the Power of Data for Growth Marketers

At BoostKPI, we understand that growth marketing is all about leveraging data to drive user acquisition, engagement, and retention. Our ML-based platform arms growth marketers with actionable insights, enabling them to make data-driven decisions efficiently and effectively.

Key Features for Growth Marketers

  • Seamless Integration: Easily connect with various cloud data warehouses (Google BigQuery, Amazon RedShift, Snowflake, etc.) or SQL databases (Postgres, MySQL, Clickhouse). This integration ensures that your marketing data is always up-to-date and accessible.
  • Advanced Visualization Tools: Utilize dimension and KPI heatmaps, breakdowns, and drilldown visualizations for in-depth root cause analysis. These tools are crucial for finding platforms, channels, campaigns, creatives, and placements that boost ROAS.
  • Personalized Alerts: Stay ahead of the curve with customized alerts, with root causes, for different stakeholders. Whether through email, Slack, webHook, or text, our system ensures you never miss a critical data point relevant to your growth strategies.

Boost Your Marketing with Four Core Areas:

  • Dashboard: Craft and access tailored dashboard-views, analyze KPI changes, and save investigative snapshots for team collaboration.
  • Anomalies: Monitor anomalies arising from configured alerts and integrate these insights directly into your marketing strategy.
  • Alerts: Set up detailed alerts that combine AI learning with your specific business rules, helping you to pinpoint significant deviations and their root causes.
  • Data Connection: Effortlessly connect to your data warehouse, ensuring all your marketing data is integrated into one comprehensive platform.

Why Choose BoostKPI for Growth Marketing?

With BoostKPI, you are not just getting a data analysis tool; you are adopting a growth partner that understands the nuances of marketing data. Our platform is built to help you discover the "why" behind your data, enabling you to craft more targeted and effective marketing campaigns. Whether it is user acquisition, engagement, or retention, BoostKPI equips you with the insights to make informed decisions and drive substantial growth.

Ready to Transform Your Growth Marketing?

Embrace the power of data with BoostKPI and turn insights into action. With our growth solutions, you can rapidly scale customer acquisition, retention and lifetime value. Let the data guide your marketing decisions. Read more on how to drive efficient growth. Optimize your LTV to CAC ratio to drive faster and more sustainable growth.