BoostKPI and Looker comparison

Where is the difference?

Where is the difference?

BoostKPI is a ML platform that provides granular KPI insightsi, both reactively and proactively. Looker just provides data visualization and high level trend analysis.


Business Intelligence and Visualization

Basic timeseries charts++
Advanced Visualization (like Bubble Charts)+
Visualize high level trends++
Customizable Dashboards++
Collaboration and ability to share dashboards++

Set up and integration

Easy Integration++
SQL Editor to create rich views that join multiple data sources++
CSV support to test use cases++
Surface insights in high dimensional data++

AI/ML capabilities

Driver analysis that scales to millions of segments+
Granular detection and alerting on KPI anomalies++
Smart routing of alerts based on root causes+
Granular forecasts+

Additional differences

Hosted solution++